Basic Human Rights

What do all humans need to live? 1. Humans need to breathe oxygen. 2. Humans need to eat food. 3. Humans need to drink water. These are the minimum basic human needs. These are essential to human survival. There shouldn't be any starving humans, there shouldn't be any humans in need of clean drinking water, and there shouldn't be any humans who don't have clean air to breath. Clean air, healthy food, and clean drinking water should be available to every human that is alive, and it should all be free. These three things should not be monetized, they should not be controlled by corporations and businesses. These three things should be provided by the government free of charge. These three things should not be part of the economic system in any way. 
This shouldn't even be a debate. This shouldn't even be a discussion. This should be the way it is. It is the way nature intended it to be. Greed is what warps the perception of this. If you are against this in anyway, you are saying that you do not agree that every human on earth should have access to these three things. If you do not think that every human in the world deserves these three things, you yourself are saying that you don't deserve them either. No one ever says this about themselves, we all think that we personally deserve these three things, just not "those people". We are all human, there is no "them" vs. "us". No one human deserves the right to live more than any other human. 
It doesn't matter if "they" don't believe in the same things. It doesn't matter if "they" worship the same God or are part of the same religion. It doesn't matter if "they" don't live their life in a way that you agree with. It doesn't matter how poor "they" are. It doesn't matter how "they" live their lives. We are all human and are all entitled to the right to live. We can all debate all other issues until our faces turn blue, but this should not be a debate. Are you willing to give up any of these three things? If the answer is no, then how can you expect anyone else to? How could you ever possibly ask anyone else to? It doesn't matter how "lazy" someone is. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't "contribute" to society in any way. We are all human and we all deserve the basic needs for survival.
Do we honestly believe that companies making billions of dollars is more important than being alive? Do we honestly believe that there are humans that don't deserve to have access to food simply because they are "poor", "lazy", don't have the same beliefs as we do, or live in a different part of the world? Do we honestly believe that this is how the world should be? Health should not be a sign of wealth. Being alive should not be a sign of wealth. Not starving should not be a sign of wealth. Not having clean drinking water should not be a sign of wealth. If people want to drive expensive cars, wear fancy clothes, live in mansions, and have superyachts, that can be their sign of wealth. The three essentials to being alive should not be tied to wealth in any way shape or form. 
If you disagree with this in any way, you are more than free to give up any one of these three things and see just how long you survive without them. For those of you who say that there isn't enough to go around. It only takes a miniscule amount of effort to find out just how much of these things go to waste every day in this world. Here I'll even link a couple sites for you to make it even easier. Companies would rather waste than give it away since they can't make money by giving it away. 
One third of all food produced is lost or wasted –around 1.3 billion tonnes of food –costing the global economy close to $940 billion each year.

Approximately 30% of the global water supply is lost each year due to leaks and inefficient usage, equating to around 2.1 trillion gallons of water wasted.

The three essentials to life should have never been allowed to be connected to currency. The issue is, they were long ago, before we were ever even born. We were literally born into this system. No human alive created this system. No human alive even knows anyone who was alive when this system was created. It was created a long, long time ago. We are born into it and just accept it. We have the power to change it, we have the power to separate the three essentials of life from the economy. The only way we can do it, is to talk about it, to work on solutions together on how to solve it. To acknowledge it and observe it for what it is. It's abundantly clear that the people making money of the current system won't want to change it so it's up to the rest of us. 
Can we change the system overnight? No. Will it happen in our lifetime? Probably not. But we can change it. We can make it so our grandchildren might be able to live in a world where they get to life with the three essentials of life and not have to spend their entire life just trying to figure out how to stay alive. When a person plants a tree, they don't plant it for themselves, they plant it for future generations. When we change the system, we don't change it for ourselves, we change it for future generations. We are too busy arguing over petty beliefs instead of working together to solve world hunger. World hunger will never be solved until we work together. We work together by listening to each other, by offering up solutions, by making changes, and by seeing us all as we are, which is human. Love and Peace!


