Rule #1: There are no rules.
This is a judgement free zone. This is a safe space. All are equal here. All beliefs and ideologies are accepted. Life in all forms is equal and accepted here.
This is a place of Love. Love for who we are. Love for who we think you are. Love for our mistakes. Love for our existence, the universe could not exist if we weren’t in it, not just metaphorically but literally. When we are here, we are Loved unconditionally and judgment free.
There are no sides here, no enemies, no right and wrong, no "us vs them", and no mistakes. There is only what is, nothing more and nothing less. All is one.
At our core we are Love, we are Life, the same as all other Life. No difference.
This site is intended for humans over the age of 18. Under 18 with parental guidance. There will be adult themed and very sensitive topics discussed.